Sunday, June 7, 2020



Hi, This is the origin story of pathfinder. Watch full video. give a LIKE. write a comment.this is the longest apex video I ever make. support our work. Thanks for watching!

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Pathfinder, he may seem like a bundle of joy on the outside but his story is actually quite tragic. pathfinder is a Marvin unit in the apex legends universe. these robots are highly intelligent automated assistants. that are often designed for manual labour or other routine tasks. Marvin's can be kitted up to be suited for any task they are given. such as firefighting or maybe in pathfinders case to use zip lines and grapples to reach high heights for location scouting and surveying. he'll find out woke up in a laboratory with no memory of how he got there. without a creator or an owner, Pathfinder lacked a purpose. so he set out to try and find his creator. pathfinder searched far and wide for his crater. however, in his attempt, he was often taken advantage of many people along his way. offered to tell him secrets about his Creator. if Pathfinder worked for him. not quite understanding of humans can lie or manipulate for their gain. pathfinder, of course, said yes to every offer that came his way. after 341 days of searching, pathfinder found himself employed at a shop called electric chicken. someone of his employer hinted that public houses are great spots to try and find information because they are often willing to speak freely especially after a few drinks. after 725 days of searching and taking up an office to do what for dead-end Clues. pathfinder visited a public house called paradise lounge in solace. it's there why he met mirage. the first person after 725 days of searching, he was genuinely nice to pathfinder, I said that people were taking advantage of his ignorance and he shouldn't be doing labour for free like he had been doing all time. he should join the apex games. if he made it then he'd have a chance to get in the spotlight and pathfinders crater may find him, Marvin units do show some capacity of simulated emotion. and they can learn through there surroundings. hopefully, pathfinder may learn soon enough that humans can't always be trusted. let's just hope he can also learn some good news not bad news about his creator. apex legends have a very deep backstory and every character has the story of its origins. pathfinder is the excellent contender in the apex games. Marvin units have never been so highly skilled at combat before or able to communicate like pathfinder, so there's certainly a lot of mystery behind his origins. since meeting mirage. Pathfinder has looked mirage as a sort of best friend. although Mirage has clearly become quite tired of his relentless happiness and optimism. Pathfinder is well-respected within the apex games of many adoring fans and admiration even from other contenders such as Gibraltar. Thank you for watching. make sure to subscribe for more awesome stories about other legends.

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