Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Apex Legends UPDATE Patch Notes!


Apex Legends UPDATE Patch Notes!


Starting on April 7th, Duos will be added to the game alongside Trios, as well a permanent map rotation that gives players the ability to play Duos or Trios on Kings Canyon and Worlds Edge.
Since the launch of Apex Legends, we’ve introduced Duos a few times as a limited-time mode, and overall it’s had a positive effect on the game’s health in regards to queue times and gameplay systems in addition to reinforcing teamplay (something that is paramount to every design decision we make for Apex Legends). So with the 4.2 updates, we are excited to be adding it as a permanent mode alongside Trios (Duos will not be available in Ranked).
Now, what about Solos? When we introduced Solos as a limited-time mode last year we saw it actually negatively impacted the game, especially when it came to new player retention. We’ve also purposely designed Legends and their abilities to compliment teamplay and squad composition, but when played Solo some Legend abilities become useless. These are just some of the reasons we decided not to include Solos in today’s update. We’re still exploring ways to allow a Solo experience, but for now, grab a friend (or two) and jump into the arena.
We know players want to experience map variety when playing Apex Legends, so the 4.2 updates will introduce map rotation that will include the current version of World’s Edge, Kings Canyon Season 2, and Kings Canyon After Dark. Ranked play will remain on the map dedicated to where we are in the current series, which is currently Kings Canyon.
We want to keep queue times as short as possible, which is why we decided to go with rotation vs. selection as we believe selection could have a very negative impact on queue times across the world. We’ll be keeping the maps on a fairly quick rotation and tweaking it as we study the data and listen to your feedback. We’ll also be introducing other versions of previously released Kings Canyon and World’s Edge maps into the rotation from time to time to keep it fresh.


G7 Scout
  • Reduced headshot scale from 2.0 -> 1.75.
  • Reduced leg shot scale from 0.9 -> 0.75.
  • Slightly reduced projectile speed.

  • LSTAR will reset its view kick pattern much more quickly to avoid horizontal recoil feeling like it goes in an unpredictable direction while feathering the trigger.
  • Reduced time before overheat 2.4 -> 2.2 (25 shots -> 23 shots)

  • Increased headshot damage multiplier from 2.05 -> 3.0. Now it should always down a target with a headshot, even if they are a fortified character with a level 3 helmet and a full Evo shield.

Sniper Ammo
  • Reduced ammo per pickup from 10 -> 8
  • Reduced inventory stack size from 20 -> 16

Low Profile
  • Limb shots on Low-Profile Legends now deal as much damage as body shots.

  • Silence
    • Increased duration of status effect from 10s -> the 20s
    • Silence now disables Gibraltar’s, Gun Shield.
    • Increased the duration of the area of effect from 5s -> 10s
    • Silence has 2 charges now
  • Death Totem
    • Characters are now respawned with 50 health (or whatever health they had when they activated it, if lower) instead of 1
        Removed Low Profile

        • New secondary passive: Lifeline can access secret compartments with more loot on Blue Bins.Blue bins are found randomly replacing ordinary bins. These rare bins will have a secondary compartment that the only Lifeline can open.
        • The secondary compartment will always contain some mixture of health items, weapon attachments and knock down shields.

        • Portals will now disappear after four seconds if both ends are outside the Circle. This change was made to combat players exploiting the Portal to avoid taking damage outside the Ring.

        Evo Armor
        • Reduced the amount of damage required to evolve. Blue Armor damage requirement reduced from 100 -> 75
        • Purple Armor damage requirement reduced from 300 -> 150
        • Red Armor damage requirement reduced from 500 -> 400 
        Kings Canyon and Kings Canyon After Dark
        • Increase to the total amount of loot items that spawn in the map.


        • Fixed bug for cases where matches results would not process correctly after players were disconnected.
        • Fixes for some script errors.
        • Fixed bug for cases where taller Legends could get stuck in geometry after using Wraith’s portal.
        • Fixed bug for cases where players that were under Revenant’s Death Protection could still be healed by Lifeline’s D.O.C. drone and Wattson’s Interceptor Pylon.
        • Fixed a bug where mantling with Wraith would cause the camera to clip through the character.
        • [PS4]Fixed lighting in some interior areas on World’s Edge that were appearing too dark.
        • Fixed bug where sometimes players would lose aim assist after being hit by Revenant’s Silence ability.
        • Fix for cases where players would not receive assist credit when using Crypto’s Drone to scan enemies.
        • Fixed issue where sometimes players could hear and in rare cases, be hit by Revenant’s abilities while in the Firing Range when he’s not there.
        • Fix for some cases where the Circle would end in a bad or invalid location.
        • Fix to help reduce cases of invisible doors.
        • Fixed issue with Bangalore’s Viceroy skin where the legs were showing the wrong skin while mantling.
        • Fixed bug for cases when Revenant places his ULT Death Totem on the train, a player is respawned to it while on the train, and the train is moving, the player could be respawned somewhere else on the map or even off the map.
        • Energize charge for the Sentinel Sniper rifle can now be cancelled with Y or Triangle button.
        • Fixed bug for cases where Dive Trails were visible before exiting the Drop Ship.
        • Fixes for map bug related to exploitable hiding spots and bad geo.




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