Sunday, March 29, 2020

bamboozled | MIRAGE | APEX LEGENDS

bamboozled | MIRAGE | APEX LEGENDS

Mirage guide overview – character strengths and weaknesses

Mirage is the one-trick-pony-est of one-trick-ponies. All his abilities – his Passive, his Tactical, and his Ultimate – revolve around the use of holographic decoys to confuse and distract enemy players. For this reason, his abilities are often considered to be the weakest of all the characters in Apex Legends, because they lack utility and versatility; and also because, as time goes on, players learn to recognise Mirage’s decoys and you can no longer rely on your enemies being fooled every time.
So where’s the good news? Well, there are a handful of things that the average player doesn’t know or fully understand about Mirage’s capabilities, and this guide will teach you how to use them to your advantage. We’ll go into this in more detail later, but I tend to play Mirage much more aggressively than most characters. Upon first glance, his abilities seem very defence- and self-oriented, designed to get you (and only you) out of sticky situations. And while this is true, Mirage has hidden utility when played aggressively, much like you would play a Wraith or Pathfinder, in fact. we’ll go through Mirage’s general playstyle, strengths and weaknesses, before delving into detailed information regarding hitbox sizes and each of his holographic abilities.

Mirage abilities guide

As with all other Apex Legends characters, Mirage has access to three abilities: a Passive, which you benefit from without having to do anything; a Tactical, an activatable ability on short cooldown; and an Ultimate, which is (theoretically) your most powerful activatable ability, which must be changed over time before it can be used. Much like Caustic, Mirage’s abilities all make use of the same mechanic: that of generating holographic decoys to bamboozle the enemy. Let’s take a closer look at how each ability works.
I’m just gonna come out and say it: Mirage’s Passive is the worst ability in Apex Legends. It’s easy enough to understand; if you’re knocked, then a decoy is generated in your place, while you cloak for several seconds. It’s meant to give you a little more time and a bit of a safety net against being finished off by enemies. But there are several big problems with this ability, and since there’s very little to speak of regarding how to use this ability properly, I will instead explain why I think Mirage’s Passive is in serious need of alteration.
First: your decoy is not at all convincing, because he doesn’t act like a knocked-down player. Instead, he goes through this dramatic death animation that is unique to this ability, so everyone always knows exactly what is happening when they see it.
Second: you aren’t entirely invisible while cloaked. It’s fairly easy to see your outline shuffling away, and unlike, say, Wraith‘s Tactical, you can be shot while this is active. So it really doesn’t save you from anything.
Third: who in the hell wants an ability that only benefits you if you get knocked down? I’d prefer not to get knocked in the first place if I’m honest.
Passive Ability Tips
  • Your only hope for using this ability effectively is if you are near a sheer drop or window so you can shuffle quickly down and put some serious distance between you and your foe.
  • You are not entirely invisible while cloaked, so you cannot rely upon this ability to save you from being executed.

(see you in-game @astle286)

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